March 16, 2013

Bird at Lunch

It's easy to get pictures of birds at the feeder but more challenging to get clear photos of them in a tree. This pretty bird must have just left the feeder — he still has seed in his beak.


  1. Yep, he's savoring that little tidbit he has in his beak!

  2. I'm enjoying your photography, a goodly view from Squirrel Ridge!

  3. Love the cute Titmouse! Great shot! How is your weather today! Happy Weekend!

  4. you are so right. Catching them in trees is difficult. Great shot.

  5. It's a tufted titmouse, and you did a wonderful job photographing him!

  6. He's lovely Linda, you certainly do have to be more patient getting these shots, you captured a good one here.


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