February 4, 2013

Vulture Nest

Vultures and Nest in a Tree


  1. What a GREAT find. I don't think I have ever seen a Vultures nest before..... Or maybe I have and had no idea what I was looking at.

  2. Neat that you found a nest! Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a nest-cam and get to see the babies!

  3. (I think it's a squirrel's nest which happens to have a vulture sitting near it.)

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  5. Photography - spring flair / Fotografijoje pavasario nuojauta.

  6. looks like the spring!
    Wish you a nice week.
    From Hilda

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  8. i think pville peg is correct. we have many squirrel nests in the trees in my yard and sadly one day i was watching a hawk flying around and a squirrel was racing up the trunk when the hawk swooped in and stole a baby squirrel from the nest. i saw the whole thing. so sad to see the mama squirrel go up to her nest and find her baby gone :(

  9. Nice picture! We usually see the vultures sitting in the trees in the spring here.

  10. Tanya and Peg, I hope they are not eating squirrels. Which is kind of funny because squirrels quickly multiply and become a nuisance! Still, they are so cute! I've been putting out extra food for the squirrel I saw who is missing one foot and his tail.
    Oh wait! Vultures eat carrion, not live animals. So maybe the squirrels are safe.

  11. This is a great picture of the nest -- and birds.

  12. Their nests aren't always very big so I think perhaps it is theirs.
    Hopefully this is close to you and you can watch to see if there is babies.

    Thanks for dropping by my blog. :)


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