January 7, 2013

The Joy of Geese

geeseOur lake has a layer of ice but some channels are open. The geese alternate between walking on the ice and swimming in the water. They don't seem to mind the cold; they actually splash around and even turn somersaults in the water!

Here's one that looks like he's conducting an orchestra! I could hear the horn section honking away!

I enjoy seeing them raise their wings — they look so happy!


  1. Very lovely image! Excellent photography!

  2. amazing! I never get tired of them

  3. That good, delicious catch, precious pictures.

  4. so sweet! look how happy they are!

  5. I have to admit, they are beautiful.

    In the spring, when they are hatching their eggs, I can't go out into my back yard because they chase me. I can run pretty fast when a mad goose is on my tail. LOL...

    Last year, 3 baby geese got into my window well. We were on vacation at the time and when we came back.... dead babies. I felt bad, but even if I were there, the parents wouldn't of let me get close.

  6. These are such great shots Linda! You are so right, they look joyous and happy to be alive with their heads up and their wings opened wide!

  7. Love the white goose in the middle photo with its outspread wings.

  8. Thanks for the comments! I've been watching the geese since we moved to the lake house and sometimes I can predict when they are likely to rise up and stretch like that. It's usually when they moving around and making noise.

  9. These are great pictures of the geese. I like the picture of the one splashing water, but the orchestra conductor is my favorite.

  10. Great photos !!

    Thanks for comment on my page :)

  11. The geese in action are just great.

  12. Lovely images.
    Wish you a great week.
    From Hilda

  13. Aw, I love these! Great photos! They do look happy--kind of like they are dancing. Thank you for your visit to my blog. :)


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