November 29, 2012

The View from Thoburn's Position

When we first arrived at this site on Cedar Creek Battlefield, the sun was shining but it soon disappeared behind clouds. A cold wind chilled us.

 The living history exhibit was in the woods where the old trenches still exist. Back in 1864 those trees had been cleared and log walls helped enclose the redoubt [defined as a small usually temporary enclosed defensive work.]

View from the Trenches, Thoburn's Redoubt
It seemed a little odd to look out from a living history site and see the sign for Burger King but that's what is there on the edge of Strasburg. In between is a steep ravine and Cedar Creek.
On the Pasture with Signal Knob in the Background
In 1864 Confederate officers looked out from Signal Knob and evaluated the Federal encampments around Cedar Creek. They could see the strong position of the redoubt but also saw weakness on this side where the slope was not as steep and defenses not as extensive.

2009 Posts:


  1. Wonder what the people back in the 1800's would make of the place now!

  2. Well Ann, they'd feel at home on much of the battlefield because it's woods and farm fields. But they'd be surprised by the congested area between Strasburg and the interstate highway, and as for the traffic, that would scare them. Heck, it scares me and I'm used to it!


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