August 5, 2011

Natural Bridge and Cedar Creek

The dramatic gorge at Natural Bridge was carved out by Cedar Creek, a tributary of the James River.

A brief sign provides impressive numbers:

"215 feet high, 40 feet thick, 100 feet wide with a 90 foot span between the walls. The arch contains 450,000 cubic feet of rock weighing 72,000,000 pounds or 36,000 tons and is estimated to be at least 500 million years old. At it's peak, the bridge is 1,160 feet above sea level."

It goes on to say that Route 11 passes over the bridge and closes with a quote from Thomas Jefferson:

"The most sublime of Nature's works."


  1. You find the most beautiful places to visit! Thanks for sharing that beauty xx

  2. You're welcome, Pat! Virginia is my home state and it has some terrific scenery.

  3. From the photos I think that Thomas Jefferson was right :
    "The most sublime of Nature's works"


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