February 22, 2011

Owl Standing by the Road

Mt. Hermon Road, Shenandoah County, VA

We saw this owl sitting beside the road on Saturday afternoon. He did not leave when we stopped the car; I thought he looked dazed.

Perhaps the high winds that day had tired him out, or knocked down his favorite tree. Or perhaps he had fled the brush fire that had been put out near Conicville.

Tell me what kind he is if you know. He appeared to be over a foot tall and had a white breast.

We didn't want to block traffic so we drove away after I took the second picture. I hope he was okay.

P.S. A commenter points out he is likely a hawk.


  1. Looks like it could be a red tailed hawk to me. Beautiful photos!!! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thank you for the info! I didn't think it was a hawk because it looked fat, but perhaps it was puffed up against the wind.


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