October 15, 2008

Where We Stayed

We made it home from the Carolinas. I have a few more photos to post, although there was a day and a half of no pictures because the rain was coming down hard.

For the curious or just for the record, I'm posting a list of places we stayed. Didn't stay at any one place for more than one night while at the beach because the weather ranged from cloudy with showers to hard steady rain. We spent a lot of time in the car.
  1. Days Inn & Suites, Rocky Mount, NC. We had a nice "suite" (room with small kitchen).
  2. Comfort Inn, Hatteras, NC. Another suite.
  3. Ocracoke Island Inn Villas, Ocracoke, NC. We stayed in a 2-BR condo. Lots of space, amenities, but some huge beetles were in residence and the internet was not working.
  4. The Islander, Emerald Isle, NC. Small condo unit w/ snack area (mini fridge and microwave). A sign on the wall near the microwave says that cooking is prohibited, and a smoke detector is mounted above the microwave. (These units are for sale, but who wants a condo where you can't cook?)
  5. Patricia Grand, Myrtle Beach, SC. Nice hotel except the restaurant was closed. Ocean-front room had a small kitchen including cooktop.
  6. Kate's house - two nights in South Carolina.
In case you are wondering why we sought out rooms with some version of a kitchen, two reasons: I like to be able to cook breakfast (wheat-free and milk-free), and I am taking a medication which has to be kept cold. We carry a picnic cooler but having a fridge at night helps a lot. (Warning: mini-fridges have mini-freezers too small for a pint of ice cream.)

In both Ocracoke and Myrtle Beach, we had reservations elsewhere but broke them after getting there. In Ocracoke, the original accomodations were described as vintage, which turned out to mean shabby and musty. They had attempted to cover the smell with a fabric freshening spray, which seemed to make it worse. In Myrtle Beach, we had reserved an ocean-front room but they had switched us to a side room, which Frank turned down. So we lost time driving around looking at lodging.

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