September 8, 2008

Which Squirrel is Real?

Okay, that was easy!

Well, every now and then I try to make an image that reflects the blog title "The View from Squirrel Ridge." I came up with that title back when we were living on a different ridge, one with no apparent name. I'd seen plenty of squirrels there because I'd been feeding the birds, which attracted the little rascals. So I dubbed our hill Squirrel Ridge.

Now we live on a longer ridge named Supinlick Ridge. Some think the name comes from "Sup and Lick" but I am skeptical. Consider that the main road out here (Orkney Grade) was historically called "Howard's Lick Turnpike" (and still retains that name at Lost River State Park in West Virginia). A lick was a spring, and there are plenty of springs around here. (Orkney Springs has seven springs, and was once called Yellow Springs.) My personal theory is that "Supin Lick" was a spring, perhaps named after the Supinger family. I haven't seen any records that they lived here on the ridge, but people by that name lived in this county, so it's plausible.

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