January 6, 2007

Update: Adie's pupil and other vision oddities

I have posted before about my vision problems and site statistics show that a lot of people hit my blog searching for these terms so I guess they share the same diagnoses: Adie's syndrome, floaters, and visual migraines. So for those folks, here's an update.

First, the Adie's syndrome, aka Holmes-Adie's or tonic pupil. I still have it (haven't heard of any real cure), but I found some details using Google Scholar. First, in NIH's database H.S. Thompson writes on the mystery of it's cause: We know where the damage is, and which nerves are involved. We even know something of how the nerves react after the damage is done, but we don't known what causes the primary injury... Not all "tonic pupils" are due to "Adie's syndrome"; some are due to local injury and some to a generalized peripheral neuropathy.

The writer comments on the lack of reflexes in the limbs that often accompanies the enlarged pupil. (I don't have normal reflexes in my right ankle.) Only 10% of patients with Adie's syndrome had completely normal muscle stretch reflexes... The muscle stretch reflexes in the arms were just as frequently imparied as those in th elegs, but the degree of impairment tended to be more severe in the ankles and triceps.

Some other article on Adie's:

By the way, those who have Adie's and also a lack of sweating should ask their doctor about (or look up) Ross Syndrome.

As for the floaters and visual migraines, I haven't had either in a long time. They coincided with taking HRT, specifically oral progesterone. My opthalmologist did not believe there was a connection, my allergist said it's quite possible. I'm convinced it was cause and effect - I'll spare you the multiple instances.

Oh, and I finally found my lost glasses. They were at the library, where I volunteer occasionally.


  1. Hello,
    so i have been experiencing some "weird" vision for a few weeks. after two trips to the er, a ct scan, a trip to the neurologist and a lot of stress i have been informed i have adie's pupil. I wasnt told much about this by my doctor other than it isnt a very serious condition. I have done lots of research since yesterday and have found pretty much the same info on all the different sites. I havent read any coments by people that have it. So a few questions does it get worse ie the sensitivety to light and lack of focus, and the sewating. I havent gotten much description on the sweating. Any comments would be apreciated. Please excuse the horrible spelling.

  2. Mine hasn't gotten worse, as far as I can tell.


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