March 1, 2025

Keyword: “Fire”

The March theme for City Daily Photo is Fire

I thought of that when I was walking Charlie at the state park this week and spotted a grill in the picnic area.

Open Fires Prohibited 
Except 4 PM until midnight.

Charlie waited while I took close-up shots of the remains of the last fire. You can see that the charcoal was once part of a tree.

I’ve been letting him ride in the front seat because he stays calmer there. I drive extra carefully because that is said to be the most dangerous seat in the car.

Filtered in Picsart for Caturday.

One the way home I saw a sign with the word Fire.

Note for foreign readers: This guy is responsible for firing some 30,000 government employees in an unfair fashion. 

I support our federal employees. One particularly upsetting aspect is the firing of many National Park Staff and Forest Rangers who had not reached permanent status. We need these people! We need more of them, not fewer.

I’m definitely a fan of park staff and the great job that they do.

I am fortunate in that there is both a national park and a national historical site within 40 minutes of my home. I have attended a variety of excellent ranger-led programs.  Rangers also are responsible for looking after the natural resources in our public lands.

I’ve covered two meanings of the word fire. Both of them can be very destructive.


  1. Firing Elon would be very CONstructive.

  2. A good selection of photographs for the theme.

    All the best Jan

  3. has more than one meaning!

  4. Great photos and I love the tie-in with the metaphorical meaning of fire!

  5. Hello,
    Love your sweet Charlie and the deer! Great photos!
    I support our national parks, firing Elon is a good start.
    Thank you for your critter post and sharing your link! Take care, have a wonderful week ahead. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  6. Charlie is looking especially handsome - and the Art is quite stupendous!

  7. The destruction of so much infrastructure is horrible! But you can’t FIRE the people who are doing it, their power is illegitimate.

  8. A nice pat on Charlie's head, what a good looking chap he is. I too am dismayed by our political problems, and have no answers except to somehow hope to get a confrontation from the Republican legislators to those who are causing the problems...our executive office and chosen unqualified cabinet members, and the South African know-it-all billionaire. MAGA is pretty strong at this point unfortunately. But there are a whole lot of people against what's happening.

  9. Great post for theme day.


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