February 26, 2025

Yellow Wall with Birds

Today was busy because I had physical therapy for my knee at 9 AM, and then this afternoon, I went to the dentist to have a tooth pulled. It was way in the back and my dentist felt that I would be fine without it. The other option was to get a root canal and I’ve been through that enough times. They don’t last a lifetime for me. I’ve already had a couple that went bad and had to be replaced with implants.

The procedure was not pleasant, of course. At least there was a birdfeeder outside the window for me to watch. I saw sparrows and other small birds, plus mourning doves and a cardinal feeding on the ground. 


Now I feel very tired. I'm going to go to bed soon. But first, here's a white throated sparrow that landed on my automated feeder.


  1. Yep, going to the dentist is not something we love to do!

  2. Great photos, the last one is my favorite.
    Take care, have a great day!

  3. Oh that's the biggest photo of a sparrow I've ever seen...just look at the details!

  4. Oh poor thing. I can so relate having already had 7 dentist visits since Dec. 5. And, I am scheduled for a tooth pulling next Tuesday. I hate it for you and I hate it for me. There's nothing worse, I don't think, that having work done on your teeth.


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