February 22, 2025

Rainy Day Creek, Cold Weather Birds, Plus My Beagle

Yesterday’s post showed a log home in Mount Jackson that’s near Mill Creek. In this view of their yard, you can get a glimpse of the creek in the background. 

Wanting to get pictures of the creek, I braved the cold rain and walked on the bridge where Main Street crosses the creek. I was surprised when a heron took flight up the creek. It’s in the center of this picture and looks white, although I’m certain it was a great blue heron.

Except for the heron, that was a disappointing picture. Such a gloomy winter day! Let me make up for it with something bright.

The cardinal visited my feeder today. You may be thinking that a feeder with a camera is a great thing, but it can be time consuming. Mine is a Birdfy feeder, and the battery keeps running down when the temperature falls below freezing. But winter is the time that I want to feed birds. They have plenty of natural food in the summer, and birdseed can attract less desirable animals too.

I’ll show you a couple pictures of Charlie. He doesn’t like having his picture taken.


  1. ...gloomy winter days come bright spring days.

  2. It does look quite cold. Glad you were rewarded bbby the appearance of that heron, :)

    Charlie, we understand. We're not fond of having our photos taken, either.

  3. The cardinal photo is beautiful! And Charlie is adorable.

  4. Aw! Charlie is so sweet! The cardinal is so bright and cheerful on a gloomy day. My son got me one of those feeders for Christmas, but so far the birds are still not sure about it, except for the Jays, of course!

  5. I really like this wooden gazebo!
    The cardinal is photogenic,
    so is Charlie and he doesn't like to be photographed!!
    Have a beautiful Sunday Linda!

  6. The rotunda is looking good. With fabulous green

  7. Hello,
    Love the view of the creek and heron.
    The Cardinal is lovely.
    Charlie is always a star, sorry he is camera shy.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, Happy Sunday! Have a great week ahead. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  8. A Great Blue Heron will always enliven the day.

  9. The pictures are great, especially the one of Dearest Charlie. We love the way you artified it!

  10. It does seem that we can always see some neat things when we get out in nature no matter what the weather! Hugs to Charlie!

  11. Lovely photos of the cardinal and sweet Charlie!

  12. Such a lovely collection of photographs.
    I especially like the cardinal, such a wonderful colour.

    All the best Jan

  13. Hello Linda :)
    If Charlie doesn't like having his photo taken one would never know as he always looks good in his photos Nice capture of the Cardinal.


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