January 19, 2024

Talking about the weather again.

"Everbody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it." --attributed to Mark Twain, among others.

We did get more snow last night and half the day today. I cleared a path down the driveway early this morning so that I could take Charlie for a walk. The street had been plowed so we walked around the end of the cul-de-sac. There wasn’t any traffic.

After the snow finally stopped, a couple of teenage girls knocked on my door to ask if I wanted my driveway cleared. They did it quickly, with the help of their dad. One of these girls cleared my walk a couple of years ago. Last winter I didn’t get enough snow to worry about.

After it got dark tonight, I took Charlie out for one final walk. The upper part of my driveway was a sheet of ice because water had dripped off the roof and frozen on the cold pavement. The ice-melting crystals that I had spread around stopped working because the temperature was so low. I managed to avoid falling, but I will have to come up with a plan in the morning.


  1. Thick snow really buggers up life

  2. It is nice to have the girls helping to clear the snow.
    Love the sky shot. Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  3. We usually just get a scattering of snow. This year everything slid to a halt, because we have no real experience. Ice is the worst. I fell on ice in December 2010, broke my pelvis, could hardly move. Please take care!!!

  4. The kids across the street used to help me, but it hasn’t happened so far this year.

  5. ...these days, I'd rather talk about the weather!

  6. That is very kind! And I love the photos

  7. So nice to see ambitious young people getting out and shoveling snow. I used to walk up and down our street with a shovel and snowblower. My dad made me pay for the gas, but anything over that, I got to keep!

  8. Wow, I'm impressed by those teenage girls. Be very careful on that ice!!


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