January 18, 2024

More Snow is in the Forecast

The forecast is for more snow after midnight tonight. Personally, I am tired of winter because it has been very cold

H2O Thursday


  1. Definitely winter weather. That ice is amazing. The skies are beautiful.

  2. Same here. -15C here this morning. Good photos though.

  3. Beautiful winter landscapes and a pretty cardinal. Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend!

  4. Love that last picture with the cardinal!

  5. The third and fourth picture were my favorites, especially the last with the Northern cardinal. But do I see sap starting to rise in the second picture with the reddish upper branches against the blue sky? Wishful thinking, perhaps. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

  6. Beautiful snow scenes!
    It has been very cold here in north Mississippi, too.

  7. You've got more snow, but we've also got cold, and this morning/noon we have snow falling, but so far not sticking.

  8. These are gorgeous photos Linda! I particularly liked the one with all the ice. It will be nice to see the new buds in spring but a cardinal against a snowy backdrop is always charming to see. Hope you are staying warm.

  9. Some nice frigid cold winter photos. I like it just a tad warmer than it is now.

  10. It's been zero for a week here. Yes I am looking forward to spring.

  11. That cardinal stands out.

    Here it's not getting above -10C today, which does the Canal good.

  12. H20 Thursday is intriguing. I can't make out what I'm seeing.


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