April 4, 2020

Bird Feeders, Great Blue Heron

Let's start off with a pair of cardinals at a feeder. The female is not as brightly colored, an advantage when she is on the nest and does not want to be spotted by predators. 

From my window, I can see across the lake but if I want to be certain that a large bird is a Great Blue Heron, I have to look through binoculars or, more likely, through the zoom on my Nikon. 

I like to watch him and he likes to watch for fish.

This red feeder and the first one in this post are both supposed to be squirrel-proof. The first one has done well so far.

This squirrel figured out how to get some seed. Looking closely at these two pictures, I see that the squirrel had apparently loosened a wire that acts as a spring to close the feeder when a certain amount of weight was on it. This afternoon I found a little more damage. The long screw on the lower right of the picture with the gold finch has now fallen inside the feeder. That will be a nuisance to fix.

It's almost time to stop feeding the birds anyway. Bears are likely to come through the yard in the spring and they are even harder on feeders than squirrels are.

My final image today is a Photoshopped goose. I used layers and filters to make it look artsy.
Sharing with Caturday Art, I'd Rather Be Birdin' and Saturday Critters.


  1. Hello, Love the Cardinal couple, Godfinch and the Heron photos. The goose image is cute. The squirrels always a find a way to the feeder. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, stay well. Enjoy your day, wishing you a great new week ahead. PS, thanks for the comment and visit.

  2. Count on a squirrel to get past squirrel proofing.

  3. What a resourceful squirrel! I wonder if you'll get pics of the bears soon. Loved the heron shots.

  4. We have one of those very large woodpecker wire mesh for suet blocks...thise pesky squirrels have figured out how to open it. Lol

    Great images...Thanks so much for this. We birders at I'd Rather B Birdin appreciate your blog post & photos!

  5. Great bird captures. Those squirrels are so sneaky.

  6. Hello. Wonderful photos. I also like that photoshopped goose. Have a nice week ahead.

  7. So sweet. When we get back home to Oregon I’m really hoping I can order a bird feeder and some feed. We can have them at our Oregon townhouse apartment, but I haven’t had one yet, since we are not there in the winter when they’re really needed.... but now, while we will be confined at least two weeks after we get home, I will really need one! At least I will be able to virtually bird by visiting your blog!

  8. i had to giggle at the squirrel view. great birdie shots. so fun. happy week. take care. ( ;

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