April 3, 2020

More from Strasburg's Town Park.

1. Yesterday I shared some "social distancing" examples, but I did not mention the reason I stopped by the park. I wanted to get out in the sunshine, and in particular I wanted to photograph Virginia Bluebells. I only found one of them in bloom, but I guess it is still early so they have not reached their peak.

2. When Governor Northam issued the Stay at Home Order, he specifically exempted outdoor exercise as well as shopping for necessities. My exercise yesterday was walking at the park; others were riding bikes. 

Black and White Weekend.
3. The North Fork of the Shenandoah looked peaceful. There are plenty of signs of spring in the valley, but up on the mountain the trees were still mostly bare except for the brown oak leaves that cling to the branches until new buds push them off.

The North Fork flows on to Front Royal where it joins the South Fork and becomes the Shenandoah River.

Friday Bliss and Floral Friday.

4. Yellow mustard flowers are blooming. At least, that's what I call this. I admit it could be winter cress, which looks similar.

5.  The Weekend Reflection blog hop has inspired me to watch for reflections. This one is in a parking lot at the Town Park.

I'm also linking this image to Skywatch Friday. Have a pleasant weekend and stay safe!


  1. I have bluebells for Floral Friday too, lol

  2. I particularly like those views of the river.

  3. ...mustard is something that hasn't appeared here yet, I love puddle art! Thanks for stopping by, Linda.

  4. Love to see your "exercise walking" photos. Keep safe.

  5. encore une fois une très belle sérei. Bon weekend

  6. You live in a beautiful place, I love your pics of the blooms.

  7. We have essentially the same "stay at home" order here in my neighborhood, with the exemption to get out for exercise. But a little confusing because many of the areas people would go for exercise (local parks, beaches, trails) are closed. Anyway, beautiful photos, full of hope and joy!

  8. Your Virginia Bluebell looks fabulous, what a gorgeous blue color. Thank you for linking, wishing a safe and pleasant new week.


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