February 9, 2014

Visiting Swans

One morning in mid-December I looked out the window at the lake, expecting to see the usual geese and perhaps a few ducks. Large white birds were there in profusion, but they were tall… oh, those aren't geese! Swans! A large flock of swans had flown in and were gliding around like they owned the lake!

I grabbed a camera and took a few pictures from the window. Then I put on my coat and went outside to get some closer shots. I used the zoom, which not only gives some nice pictures but also helps my eye to see things in greater detail as I look through the viewfinder. (Yes, I always buy a camera that has a viewfinder! It shows me the scene better than a screen does and also helps me keep the camera steady as I hold it against my face.)

Now I've seen swans in Virginia before, particularly near Montross and on Silver Lake in Dayton. But we hadn't seen them here before. I took dozens of pictures and posted a couple on Facebook that same day on our neighborhood's page.

While I was out there, a couple of trucks stopped on the other side of the lake and I heard two men talking. One said that the swans flew in during the night. I remembered hearing a great squawking late at night, like geese honking in great alarm. That must have been when the swans landed.

Now the geese were keeping their distance from these larger birds. I believe these are tundra swans.

I took dozens of pictures, so many that I had trouble deciding which ones to share here on this blog. So I procrastinated. But I finally went through them yesterday and selected some favorites.


  1. just beautiful, linda! the flag and the reflection of it add a nice bit of color to those shots. :)

  2. Wonderful pictures. We see the Tundra's on the Mississippi in November as they stop and rest on their way from the Artic to Chesapeake Bay and south....:)

  3. Wow, it's so cool that you got to see them. I would have been taking tons of pictures too. You got some really lovely shots.

  4. Magnificent!

    We have swans that are in winter quarters here at the moment, but set out on the Rideau River during the summer.

  5. Beautiful swans! Hope you like the pix of Skyline Drive I posted tonight.

  6. So cool! They are incredible and I've never seen them show up at our nearby pond. What majestic creatures & captures.

  7. Amazing photographs, to the Spring flair.

  8. Beautiful swans and great shots ~ carol and artmusedog www.acreativeharbor.com

  9. Lovely photos of the swans! I have seen quite a few mute swans and trumpeter swans lately but NO tundra swans. Lucky you!

  10. Great pictures. And so fun that you got swans. I want a pond!

  11. Yes, really pretty swans in that beautiful lake, nice photos!

  12. Beautiful photos and reflections!

  13. What a beautiful set of images from a nice place.


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