February 8, 2014

Swans in Monochrome

There's not much color in these images. I went ahead and changed the first one to black and white using Photoshop.

Linking to: Camera Critters 


  1. Very beautiful. I find swans gorgeous from afar, since several have tried to attack my tiny dog on different occasions, and had even swum across the lake. We made a hasty retreat... :0

  2. The black and white kind of helped the image and there was so few colors anyway that it wasn't all that noticeable. There is also an option in the software that I use and probably in photoshop that allows to change from black and white to various colors and white. I can't think of the name of the option of course but that might be neat to try on photos like that. I think it is duotone or something like that.

  3. wonderful shots! really like the 2nd one.

  4. Wonderful art , great reflections in the water . Love it!

  5. Nice shots.

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

  6. Swans! I may have to take a special trip just to see them. Beautiful. Thanks for posting.

  7. Such elegant birds. Beautiful photo.

  8. Monochrome works really well for these images!

  9. That little peachy blush of colour still looks lovely when the sun hits it. Pretty pics,Linda. You've captured their elegance.

  10. Stunningly beautiful photos of these swans and the water too!

  11. Your swans shots are lovely! Beautiful sighting! I hope you are warm and safe there! Happy weekend!


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