February 10, 2014

On Frozen Pond

One day last week I looked out and saw people on the ice. This is unusual because this is Virginia and the lakes don't freeze very often. In fact, I worried when I saw them. How did they know the ice was thick enough?

I remember when I was a kid and the pond over at Hollin Hall pool sometimes froze over. An adult would drill a hole and we would not be allowed to skate on the pond unless the ice was a certain thickness. Was it four inches?


  1. Lovely shots - must have been fun for them!

  2. That's great! You have real winter, we don't this year...

  3. I've seen the Thames frozen over and have known people walk on it, personally I have not as it never looked safe. Hope some one checked before they went on

  4. It must have been thick enough, I don't think I would trust our pond though it was probably 4 inches in places.

  5. I would have been afraid to venture out on it. Not worth the risk to me.

  6. Here the Canal must have thirty centimetres of thickness before it's set to go, though that figures in the weight of plows on the surface for clearing, and the weight of thousands of people during the weekend.

    I'm a bit more wary of going on the ice of rivers, where the water flow is not under control like the Canal is.

  7. Ice can be scary and dangerous but if frozen, a lot of fun.

  8. Ai que frio, aqui estamos sufocando de calor! bjs

  9. One advantage to growing up in northern Indiana was that the ponds and lakes froze over every winter.

  10. I would not take a chance on that ice. Yikes.

  11. I only remember once when the ponds froze so solid we really felt safe out on them. It doesn't happen often in Virginia.

  12. It would make me nervous too Linda.. I've seen too many movies where people disappear through a hole in the ice :)


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