August 11, 2024

Formerly the Narrow Passage Church

I’ve driven past this church many times over the years, and I even stopped to take pictures of it in 2018. Eventually the congregation went elsewhere, and the church was offered for sale. I don't know who bought it, but it has not been fixed up. This weekend I saw that it was open during the Yard Crawl as someone was using it as a place to sell used items.

I was not able to find a history of the church, other than it was once the Assembly of God at Narrow Passage. (Narrow Passage is the name of a nearby creek.) The church interior has suffered from a roof leak.

The quality of items for sale was as uninspiring as the condition of the church. I noticed that heavy shelving units line the walls, so perhaps someone is going to use this space as an antique store. 


  1. ...this is the fate of many churches today.

  2. Looks like some serious work needs to be done before it is repurposed for another use.

  3. Hope someone will fix the problems and make this church available for some repurpose use.

  4. Oof! Serious leak. Makes me wonder if it qualifies as an historic structure and therefore restoration funds.


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