December 29, 2023

Yellow Tinted Glasses

These glasses are designed to cut the glare from oncoming headlights. And they do help, although I push them up on my forehead when I don’t need them because they make it harder to read signs at night. I also wear these on bright days when I don’t quite need dark sunglasses.

In this picture, they are on the hood of my car, which looks blue here because it is reflecting the sky. 


  1. ...the new headlights are too bright!

  2. Cool reflection capture! Take care, enjoy your day!

  3. I have never tried the yellow tints. And, the way the weather is here, I may not need them for another five months. Nice reflection picture. Alana

  4. I know Charlie is a hand full but he sure is a sweet dog

  5. I like the reflections in the glasses and on the car.


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