December 30, 2023

Twixmas with Charlie

(Twixmas is the week between Christmas and New Year’s)

Hi, it's Charlie. I survived a holiday, which is a time when people invade my house and make noise. I won't complain because they brought some really good food, and even some toys for me wrapped in crinkly paper.

Uh oh! Mom did some things to my photo. I don't know why she bothers when I already look good!

Marie stayed for a few days and now I miss her. She rode with me in the backseat so that I didn’t feel so worried. She also bought me some things at Petco and played with me at the park.

Sometimes Mom and I go out on the deck and put out seeds for the birds and squirrels. I can watch them through the window. 

I heard that there is another holiday coming, but I hope it is a quiet one. 


  1. Charlie is just looking so adorable

  2. Charlie is totally a love! I do hope he can have a quiet New Year.

  3. You rock, Charlie! Surviving the holiday invasion with treats and toys? Smart dog! Quiet New Year vibes for you, buddy! Woof!

  4. Hello Charlie,
    Sounds like a great Christmas for you and your Mom, and Marie. Cute photos of you, the squirrel and the House Finch. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, happy New Year's Eve.
    Best wishes for a Happy and Healthy New Year! PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  5. Charlie, you are a furry handsome woofie and you look gorgeous, whether you photo is touched up or not. Happy Mew Year.

  6. ...Liinda, I wish you a healthy and Happy New Year.

  7. Happy new year to you Charlie and mom!

  8. Happy New Year! Really like this beautiful dog and the story!


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