December 3, 2023

Grouped Collages

Many of these images have appeared here individually, although not recently. They’re all fairly simple in the sense of being uncrowded. The water scenes appeared on this blog in years past.

Stairwell, mountains, bird on snow, beret.

Mosaic Monday

The trees in the fog are from early yesterday morning, and the river image is from this afternoon. In the final collage, the hot air balloon was yesterday, and the oak leaves picture is from a few days ago. The other pictures are from previous posts.


  1. Beautiful images and mosaics. I like the lake scene and hot air balloon. Take care, have a great week!

  2. Let’s try “Well done!). I think we should banish Spellcheck for ever.

  3. Excellent collages. I was just speaking with a friend who wants to make some herself...and she found in a give-away mailer envelope a lot of cut words from magazines! She's thrilled, and thinking already of paste-ups. Of course doing photos on line is an entirely different genre' and should have a different name!

  4. I think they all look very nice.

    All the best Jan

  5. Thanks for sharing these again. A very nice collection.

  6. Sorry to be so brief. Unfortunately, rheumatism in my hand prevents me from writing more.

    Thank you so much for this wonderful post on

    ...and I wish you a pleasant time with best wishes, Heidrun


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