December 2, 2023

Dog, Cat, Sheep, Deer

Charlie likes it when his friend Tripod shows up.

Tripod is a sweet cat with one front leg instead of two. He walks with a sort of limp and hop.

Caturday/ Saturday Critters

These sheep are on a small farm between Woodstock and Edinburg.

When I visited Shenandoah National Park on Monday, I saw deer at Big Meadows.  You can usually see some there, except when there are too many tourists for them to feel safe.

I stopped for some who looked like they were about to cross the road, but this happened just as I raised my camera. 

Then they did cross the road.

My final picture shows a statue in front of the visitors center. No doubt I’ve shown it before. This represents the CCC workers who did so much of the original work on the park in the 1930s. I am grateful for their fine work. They built a beautiful park.


  1. Beautiful captures! The bond between Charlie and Tripod shines through.

  2. Sweet photos of Charlie and Tripod. Enjoyed all the other photos. I know that statue from my previous trips there.

  3. Hello,
    Cute photos of Charlie and Tripod. I love the sheep and the deer. Great critter post. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and happy new week. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  4. Hello Linda :=)
    Adorable photos of Charlie and Tripod. I'm glad they are friends.

  5. Charlie looks adorable as usual

  6. I am glad that Charlie and Tripod have become friends. Humans could learn from them. Differences are to be cherished, not shunned.

  7. We love the bond between Charlie and Tripod!

  8. ...we should be grateful for the CCC.

  9. It's lovely to see how Charlie and Tripod are such good furriends.

  10. Great critter photos (plus the CCC statue!)

  11. so cute. hope the cat and doggie can be friends. we had a nice rainy day yesterday. hopefully we did get enough to make the ground extra happy. ( :

  12. Charlie and tripod, a nice friendship indeed

  13. The history of the CCC is fascinating — at least two parks (Shenandoah and Palo Duro, TX) that I have visited display some very well-curated exhibits on the history and the lives of the involved young men (only men were hired). It was a brilliant choice for the terrible economy in the Depression. Much of their pay went to their families (i.e. parents), which contributed to the slow recovery.
    best, mae at

    1. Actually there was a program for women.

  14. It was hard work to build the parks and places for us to enjoy. Love Charlie and his friend!

  15. Aww, sweet pictures of Charlie and Tripod.

    All the best Jan

  16. Charlie and Tripod have become good pals.


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