November 26, 2023

Heritage Festival at Trinity Brethren Church

It’s been a month since I went to the heritage and craft show in Fort Valley and I just realized I never shared my pictures. I didn’t take many because Charlie was with me and tugged on the leash in excitement.

The location was a charming church near Fort Valley Museum. It is in a long but narrow valley, still rural in character. Fort Valley is walled off from the rest of Shenandoah County by the Massanutten Mountains.

On display was an old buggy that belonged to a man named Jacob Munch, who sadly was killed in an accident while driving the buggy in 1928. The buggy was taken to his barn and not driven again.

If you have never been to Fort Valley, and find yourself near Strasburg or Edinburg, I recommend taking a side trip to drive through it. The scenery is delightful!


  1. The scenery is beautiful. I like that old buggy!
    Take care, have a wonderful week!

  2. How sad about the man who owned that beautiful buggy. Loved your photos!

  3. I enjoyed your photographs.
    It was sad to read about the man who owned the buggy.

    All the best Jan


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