October 29, 2023

The Round Barn at Court Manor

For years I wondered about the round barn and the other unusual buildings that I could see from Interstate 81. Perhaps you have seen them between New Market and Mauzy. They do not look like normal farm buildings.

Last year I read that these buildings were once part of a tourist attraction called Zoorama. It opened in 1959 and featured a variety of animals. It thrived for a few years, but then I-81 was built and the main flow of traffic bypassed the Valley Pike and the entrance to Zoorama. It closed and the buildings fell into disrepair.

Now the farm is coming back to life as a pumpkin patch, petting zoo, and event venue. Today was the final day for the pumpkin patch and I went there out of curiosity. 

I’ll save the animals for another post because I really don’t care for long posts. (My eyes get easily fatigued from reading, a problem that I first noticed when studying college textbooks.) I took about 100 pictures, but don’t worry, I pared them down.

My admission ticket was reasonable and I paid two dollars extra to visit the round barn, which featured fun activities for children.

Someone said it had once been used for horse shows. It looks well-suited for that.

Barns / Mosaics / Sunday Best

I did a lot of walking. I wanted to view the other old buildings that I have glimpsed from the interstate.

I can’t resist showing you a few animals, because we don’t see zebras around here very often.


  1. ...I have only seen one round barn and it was difficult to photograph.

  2. I wasn't expecting to see a zebra either with you! I'm glad you finally had a good explore and wander here! lots going on for sure!
    Have a happy week.
    Wren x

  3. I hope the Zebra has at least one other of its kind to keep it company. It is a herd animal and just one, alone, seems very sad to me.,

    1. Don’t worry, I saw at least two zebras.

  4. What fun! I love spending time out in the country and the pumpkins are neat to see!

  5. Interesting post -- we have visited an historical round barn here (in Eastern Oregon), they are quite the building feat. I'm glad they are bringing back this place instead of letting it rot away! Thanks for sharing your tour -- and Happy Halloween!! Oh and also I'm with you on the eye-strain thing! Me too.

  6. An interesting new life for the place.

  7. Wow ... Don`t believe to see a Zebra :)))
    There are many other interestings things here to see, to read. I enjoyed your post.

    Thank you for sharing and being part at

    Have a wonderful week.
    Greetings by Heidrun

  8. Linda - I can see why you would have wanted to check out the round barn, and the price of admission seems quite reasonable!! I have been out of pocket for a while, but I am back! Joining you from Mosaic Monday!

  9. Very unusual and beautiful round barn! Thanks for taking part in the "My Sunday Best" meme.


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