October 28, 2023

The Circus is in Town

Shenandoah County Courthouse

The pumpkin people have invaded Woodstock again. They even have a circus. Let’s take a closer look.

Since Charlie was already tired from going to the park, he observed the circus from the car. 


  1. What a great collection! Poor Charlie, I've never heard of a dog that was enthused about Halloween. Even chocolate is terrible for them.
    best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  2. ...a Halloween circus, what a great idea.

  3. Looks great! And Charlie seems to be enjoying the show from the car.

  4. Looks like fun. But poor Charlie seems somewhat be-mewsed (mol).

  5. Hello,
    The Halloween circus and Pumpkin People look fun, a cute groups of critters. Charlie does look upset, he is left out. Thank you for linking up and sharing your critter post. Take care, have a happy day and a great new week! PS, thank you for leaving me a comment

  6. Fun for many, I have no doubt, but Charlie looks suitably unmoved by it all.

  7. What a neat imaginative display. Around here there wouldn't be much of the setup left by a few nights of vandals. Hope there's a police station across the street!

    1. Actually, it used to be downstairs at the courthouse. They moved to a new building, but vandalism is not a big problem in this town.

  8. That is so much fun! Nice to view it from the car too. I love towns that decorate for all the holidays.

  9. Glad you got to watch from the car, Charlie!

  10. Love the dog pic! What a wonderful look. :-)

  11. Pictures of the animals, I was the Tiger would be caged, sobbed.

  12. I think the Halloween circus with the pumpkin people look great, fun to see ... although sweet Charlie doesn't look impressed.

    All the best Jan


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