August 7, 2023

Potato Mural

Daily Buzz Cafe

A new coffee shop has opened in Middletown in the building that used to house the potato chip factory, which moved to Mount Jackson. When I read that they kept an old mural on the wall, I decided to check it out.
“Small Fry Potatoes”

Since I  limit my caffeine intake, I ordered a decaf coffee over ice and it was good. 

They also kept this old sign for Jozie’s big red potatoes.

I also stopped at the nearby Cedar Creek Battlefield and looked for butterflies in the meadow but did not find any. It was a hot and hazy day.

Sharing with Blue Monday, Mosaics, Murals.


  1.'s good that they didn't clean house.

  2. Oh Linda, that baby is holding a HUGE potato. I love both signs.

  3. I love both of them. So nice that they kept reminders of the previous users of the building. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Linda.

  4. I am happy that they didn’t dispose of everything. There’s great character in the mural and the sign.

  5. I am always happy they keep the old signs. Beautiful scenery!

  6. Love that 'small fry' potato sign. Congrats on your blog milestone -- you've been amazing staying with it daily for so long. (From your later post above= I forgot to say so in that comment.)

  7. Wonderful. Thank you again for sharing, dear blogfriend and being part of

    Wish you a wonderful weekend, hugs by Heidrun


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