August 26, 2023

National Dog Day 2023

August 26 is National Dog Day. Although it takes place during the "dog days of Summer," it reminds us to appreciate our canine friends. 

I did not have a dog as a child because my dad had asthma. When my children were young, we got a puppy that I named Spotsy. I did not know much about dogs then, but fortunately he was good-natured. It was much later that Lynn gave me Guppy, a beagle basset mix. He turned out to be a great pet.

Benny the cocker spaniel was a good-looking dog with issues that I never understood. He got along with Guppy but could be easily alarmed. He actually bit me a couple of times.

Flash was another beagle mix. He was a great dog. After he died in 2018, it was four years before I could deal with getting another dog. That’s when my daughters talked to me into getting Charlie.

Here is Charlie this morning. This was before he destroyed that blue collar when he wore it in the car. He still gets upset in the car and chews on things. On a good day, he chews on one of the dog bones or toys that’s there for him.

We celebrated National Dog Day by going to the dog park in Basye. I figured it would be a little bit cooler up there than in the valley. There was a nice breeze. Charlie had fun playing ball. He has learned to bring it back, finally. He does not give it to me, but he drops it near my feet.

The dog park there is next to the library. Folks have been building a “rock snake” in the garden there.

I’ll close with a picture I made this morning using StarryAI. By the way, every day is Dog Day around here.


  1. Happy National Dog day Charlie. I love all the dogs, cute doggie photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great week. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  2. ...ah, the dog days of summer.

  3. i love the rocks, that is so creative. what fun!! we had a nice rain storm last evening ...sure hope it was a nice refreshment ...know we need more. ( ;

  4. Happy Dog day to Charlie. I hope in a year or two he will be sedate and no longer destructive!

  5. Happy Dog Day to Charlie.
    Lovely pictures - that rock snake is cute!

  6. The rock snake is very cool! And Charlie is adorable. I hope he gets over chewy everything! lol

  7. Such a sweet photograph of Charlie.
    Happy Dog Day :)

    All the best Jan

  8. Hope you had a great day, Charlie.


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