August 25, 2023

Eatery Scene, Front Royal

I was amused by the T-shirt on the right. Front Royal was once known as Helltown, and locals seem proudly amused by it. 

Historians think that her name was a play on the name Lehewtown, as it was called when founded in 1754.   Records show that it was called Helltown by the 1790s, apparently because boatman and other transient workers came into town for alcohol and recreation.

Today goods are transported by truck and train, and the boats that ply the rivers are recreational. The north and south forks of the Shenandoah River join together in Front Royal, and the town is called the canoe capital of Virginia.


  1. I like this candid shot. Street Photography 101. 👍

  2. Excellent short and interesting history.

  3. I suspect that there are many towns around the globe where boatmen still go into town for alcohol and recreation!

  4. Great photo, thanks for the bit of history. Have a happy weekend.

  5. Now I wonder what the Helltown chicken sandwich is all about.

  6. ...and I like those chairs.

  7. How interesting and thank you for sharing it, I too am a t-shirt must read every single one that comes in my path and often license plates as well!


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