August 21, 2023

Another Parking Space Mural

A week ago I showed you some murals that were painted on parking spaces in Winchester. I held onto this one because it deserves its own post. I regret that the gutter had not been cleaned.

Not only is this a well-done piece of street art (literally!), it is nicely reflected in a shop window. Apparently the window display was chosen to echo the colors of the mural.

While I was in that part of town, I went around the corner to get a better photo of the historical marker for Winchester’s Colored Troops. When I photographed it two years ago, strong shadows interfered with the legibility. This time the sky was cloudy so I got a better picture. 

During the American Civil War,  United States Colored Troops was the official name for troops of black and native men. 


  1. What a sweet little town! Thank you for bringing us there. Aloha!

  2. The ground mural is so colourful

  3. The mural is great, I have never seen one in a parking space. Take care, have a great day and week ahead.

  4. ...I love this style mural, but here they don't hold up well.

  5. Beautiful street mural, very colourful. We have some also painted on roads, that I still haven't photographed, but I fear they won't last long with all the traffic. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Linda.

  6. Great examples lovely photos!

  7. Good capture of mural (which alas, will not last that long) and excellent one of the signboard.

  8. What a fabulous street mural. I can see why you liked it so much. Well done, indeed.

    Amazing how times and language have changed. I read a book recently from the 1930s where the woman was "young and gay." As in happy, cheerful, etc. Today "colored" is a derogatory word, but not in those days.

  9. I haven't explored Winchester nearly enough. I remember going to a British Pub with my English friends a few years ago. The mural is very nice (I've never seen them painted in parking places), great reflection photo too. The one of the historical sign is very interesting, an important part of history for sure.


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