July 21, 2023

Hikers on Main Street

Front Royal

In the summer months, hikers are often seen in downtown Front Royal. The town is at the northern border of Shenandoah National Park and within walking distance of the Appalachian Trail. Through-hikers often start in Georgia in early spring and reach Front Royal in the summer, intending to continue north to Maine. 

The trail is almost 2200 miles long and goes up and down mountains. I’ve seen hikers in the shoe store getting new boots to replace worn-out ones. There is even a place where they can take showers and then enjoy a cold beverage. 


  1. I love hiking. Grettings from Poland.

  2. A hike that long takes dedication!

  3. My only claim to the experience of the Appalachian Trail was for a short distance near Hawk Mountain, PA. My wife and I had planned to walk two or three kilometres in and then turn around and walk back, but about 500 metres in a tremendous storm came up and we returned to our car as fast as we could.

  4. ...the trail is an amazing adventure.

  5. Great people shot, hubby and I have hiked the trail in different sections. I can not imagine hiking the whole trail. Have a great weekend.

  6. Great capture of the hikers taking a break. I've hiked (walked) just along the section near the Clingman's Dome peak in the Smokey Mountains. Maybe 1/2 mile and back. Hard to breathe for me at that elevation.

  7. Great street photo, with focus on the shoes! The Appalachian is famous. Here in NZ we have the "Te Araroa" trail 3000km long that crosses the full length of New Zealand from North to South. Wouldn't dare attempting it...

  8. What a great capture! I'm betting that back-pack is full of essentials!

  9. Lovely street capture and interesting information, Good for the hikers.

  10. I've had a bit of experience with the trail in New England.

  11. Lovely to be a hiker, those were the days.

  12. I've hiked the AT through SNP a few times now. I used to make a bee line for the Pizza Hut in Front Royal after a long trek. :-)

  13. nice picture. I had a llok on google map to see the places you talk about. Wonderful landscapes.


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