July 22, 2023

Charlie’s Checkup

In which Charlie tells about going to the veterinarian.

I'm not afraid of going to the veterinary. We go there once or twice a week so that I can stay there while my mom does other things. I don't like that she leaves me, but it's even worse if I have to stay home all by myself for a long time. That gets scary. At least at the veterinary, I get to play with Miss Ella sometimes, and they have a yard where I can run around when I am not resting in my room. 

This time, I could tell that something was different. We had to wait, and I started to worry that they might clip my nails. Then we went in to see a lady doctor who was nice. I didn't like that they put me on a tall table though. Mom held onto me or I would've fallen off.
There are some cats who live there. They seem a little bossy.
Caturday / Critters

I heard that I was in good health. The doctor gave my mom the name of a behaviorist because I am afraid of some ordinary things, but mom says it is a long car ride to get there and car rides are very scary.

I was really glad to get back home. I like being home as long as mom is there.

This morning we saw some things on our walk. It was early because I like to get up as soon as light comes in the window. Mom took pictures of a thing that was in the sky.

 We saw some critters across the street. Mom called this one a "stop pulling."

Well, I better go to bed because the sun comes up early and sometimes mom won’t get up until I make a bunch of noise. There are some jingle bells on the door that I can ring, and a doorstop that goes whirr. Sometimes I scratch on her door and cry. Good night.


  1. You are a good owner to do this

  2. Hello Charlie
    You are so cute, I am glad you are in good health.
    Love all the photos of Charlie, the cute kitty and bunny. The hot air balloon is a neat sight to see.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post.
    Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  3. The life of a dog’s parent is not easy, Charlie!

  4. Hi Charlie — It looks like you mean to be a good dog and mostly are one. Thanks for telling us about your life.
    best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  5. Hi, Charlie. What interesting things you saw on your outing!
    We are so glad you are in good health. We are sorry there are still so many things you find scary, but We are sure you will get over it in time. These things can't be hurried.

  6. I love getting out for adventures but we all can feel scared about things...and how to get there. What a cute story and precious pup!

  7. ...Charlie has better health care that some Americans.

  8. Stop pulling is very appropriate!

  9. Excellent Charlie, the photo is a first, thanks Linda.

  10. Dear Charlie - Sounds like you have a busy life trying to take care of everything. Cats aren't always the easiest critters to be around, but it looks like you handle them quite well when your person is by your side. Looks like you finally chilled out at bedtime, as that photo is quite adorable. Sweet dreams, Charlie..

  11. we tried to do a hot air balloon ride but the winds were never right ...so it was not in the cards as they say. that was in our beginning of our relationship before marriage. looks like rain again. we had a nice thunderstorm earlier. take care. ( ;

  12. Hi Charlie,
    The doctor said you're in good health, which is great! I love all these cute pics.

  13. Oh Charlie that was a good story of your busy days! T You are a good puppy and so cute!! That stop pulling in the driveway is cute too. I like to get up when the light first comes in the window, but nobody here will go for a walk with me here . You are lucky!!!


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