October 21, 2021

A Long Day's Night in Fairfax

Yesterday we went to Inova Hospital so Frank could have cochlear implant surgery in his right ear. He's been deaf on that side for a while and if all had gone smoothly, the procedure would have taken a couple of hours. 

As things turned out, we were there for almost 13 hours. The surgeon had another patient before him and that surgery took much longer than planned.  I had time to take cell phone pictures, plus I spent so much time on the internet that I got bored with it. It's a big hospital and I walked 1.7 miles, mostly between the parking garage and the surgery center.

So we got there at 11 in the morning and didn't leave until midnight. It's a 90-minute drive because there's a really long construction zone on I-66. We are still tired today.

Garden Affair

It took Frank a while to recover from the anesthesia. I took a picture of the recovery area but it was so dull that I tried a painterly effect in Corel Painter Essentials, which I am trying out. 


  1. Very nice hospital. Praying all went well. Have a blessed day.

  2. Hello,
    Sounds looks a very long day! I hope all went well with Frank's surgery. Sending healing prayers. Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  3. ...I hope that it works out well.

  4. Hope the surgery solves his hearing problems.
    Get plenty of rest today, and have a wonderful weekend!

  5. That's a long time to be waiting but hopefully it works out well for Frank.

  6. A very long day. Hopefully all has gone smoothly.

  7. Beautiful blooms, Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.


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