September 13, 2021

Colorful Dog Mural

"Mosaic District," Merrifield, VA

A shopping trip into Northern Virginia involves some gnarly traffic so I like to get in an extra destination besides the organic market. I was excited an article listing several murals in Merrifield in addition to the flowery one I had already found. I must say this one is my favorite. 

 The artist is King Tuxx. This is behind a very small dog park. A sweet doggy with a bandaged leg was there with her person. 


  1. Beautiful mural, Linda! I appreciate how you always come up with original content for Mosaic Monday!

  2. Hello,

    Love the doggie mural. I hope the dog with the bandage leg is ok and healing. Take care, have a happy day!

  3. Beautiful!
    Have a blessed day!

  4. What a cute mural and so colourful too :)
    Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Linda.

  5. The mural is beautiful and heartwarming. That little dog tugs at your heartstrings. This is all so beautiful, dear Linda.

  6. Great to see the mural...sweet little dog.

  7. A great mural and yes, a very sweet doggy and a big hug for him and his bandaged leg.


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