August 11, 2021

Bird Bath Views

The robin sometimes visits our bird baths.

In one of my bird baths, I have a small solar fountain that lights up at night. It has a battery that charges during the day.

 Geese like drinking from our bird baths. I know I showed them doing this before. We had a bird bath near the front door, seen below, which we moved out into the yard because the geese were making a mess on the concrete. They have no manners!


  1. Robins seem to take a greater delight in bathing than any other species I can think of.

  2. Great views of the birds and birdbath. The Geese are cute, love the robin. Take care, have a great day!

  3. Geese appreciate a drink of water as much as anyone else.

  4. Smart to give geese a place for water away from your porch! Since the lake is just over there, your birdbath water must taste better...cleaner anyway!

    1. Yes, they seek out fresh water but leave it dirty because their beaks are dirty from feeding on the ground.

  5. ...just the right height for the geese.

  6. Geese are messy! Best to keep them far out in the yard. Great photo of the Robin.
    Have a wonderful day!

  7. What a sweet robin, my favourite bird.

    That is a perfect height for the geese :)

    All the best Jan

  8. Still cute even without their manner :)

  9. Enjoyed the photos and yes, geese are very messy! Enjoy them at the parks and the pond down the road but honestly, kind of glad they aren't closer to my house. Such a neat fountain!


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