November 5, 2019

Historic Farmland Near Middletown

 Here we return to the Cedar Creek Battlefield, now a peaceful rural landscape. The barn is on the historic Dinges Farm, which I toured a month ago. It was on this property that Maj. General Phil Sheridan rallied the Federal troops who were on the verge of defeat after a surprise attack by Jubal Early's Confederates.
Sharing with The Barn Collective and My Corner of the World.
While we were touring the farm, a train came through.

Tuesday Treasures: The final photo shows the Heater House, also on the Cedar Creek Battlefield. I took this picture in the spring.

This house survived the Battle of Cedar Creek, which raged nearby. I got a closer look at it on another History at Sunset tour in 2013.


  1. You are blessed with beautiful countryside.

  2. Very colourful building in the first photo

  3. ...this tranquil landscape disguises its violent past. Thanks Linda for sharing a rural slice of your area.

  4. Your area is so rich in history.

  5. What a lovely area! I love your photos!

    Your post on 'My Corner of the World' is great to see this week!

    My Corner of the World

  6. Quite peaceful.

    You wonder what Sheridan and Early would think of the area today.

    1. I think they would recognize it except for the interstate.

  7. The last photo is my favorite-so lovely.


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