January 19, 2019

What the Trail Cam Saw.

It's been almost a month since I last checked looked at pictures from the camera by the lake. When I put the SD card back in the camera, I pointed the lens more toward the bushes because it was getting sun-struck in late afternoon. Now I see it is still picking up glare, although not as much as before. Here's one of the images. You can see the light streaming in and making an odd squiggle on the right.

Here's a cropped and brightened version of the shot. I'm sure that's a great blue heron flying, although it looks almost like a vampire bat with those drooping wings!

I've cropped the rest of the pictures in this post. It took me a moment to realize that the woman in black is Marie in a hoodie. This was on Christmas afternoon when we walked around the lake.

There were over 1600 images on the card and I choose 113 to save on my laptop. The rest were not worth saving, mostly moving branches and blurry birds.

Here we have geese on the water and a cat walking through. These geese are used to cats hanging around.

Almost obscured by bushes is another heron. He looks ready to fly away.

The rest of the pictures are from January 14 to 18. You can see the 8 inches of snow that we had. It's been melting steadily, and tonight we have rain that's washing most of it away.

If you look carefully at the geese on the snowy lake, you can see some of them are taking off.

Viewing Nature and Birds.

Deer visited again. I imagine they were hungry.

Just before the deer walked off to the right, little deer stopped and stared at the camera. Supposedly it doesn't flash but there is a little light that you can see if you look at it. Night photos use infrared technology, and as you can see, they are black and white.
By the time I finally made my way out in the snow to get the SD card out of the camera, it had melted down to a point that walking was easy. I noticed footprints that were too big to be a squirrel's, and no doubt some of them belonged to the deer. There were others that I thought were a dog's, but then when I reviewed the pictures, I saw exactly who walked through.

I knew we had a fox or two. They've shown up in blurry night photos. This one strolled through at 2:50 in the afternoon yesterday. I wish I'd been looking out the window, or taking pictures of the birds when he went through. I don't think I'd have gotten a better shot than this though.

I guess Mr. Fox was hungry because the snow has covered up some of his usual food, so he was out in the open in broad daylight.


  1. This is ALL SO MARVEOUS...

    Here's hoping for you a beautiful week ahead, and good birding ...thanking you for letting us experience your blog post linked at I'd Rather B Birdin'.

  2. Hello, neat captures from your cam. I love the heron and deer. Cool capture of the fox. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and new week ahead. PS, I appreciate and thank you for your comment on my blog.

  3. Hi Linda...oh how lovely these animals all are...and you have over a hundred shots from that camera! So great!

  4. The Fox is gorgeous! I know we have them here but I've never seen one! Love the deer. It's fun to have a trail came set up...you just never know what you'll see!

  5. Simply wonderful, I enjoyed seeing all of your shots here.

    All the best Jan

  6. Great pictures of the herons and the fox too. It's always interesting to see what your trail cam captures.

  7. How fun to see these photos. The one of the fox is my favorite!


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