August 31, 2017

Photographing the Photographer

City Daily Photo's Theme Day is open and the topic is Photographing the Photographer. I selected one of my pictures from the eclipse on August 21. A photographer kindly offered a stranger a chance to look through his long lens and filter. 

I often take photos of other people taking pictures, especially on the overlooks of Skyline Drive. Of course, just about everyone takes pictures up there. The views are spectacular! Still, the pictures often look flatter than what you actually saw because there is haze between your vantage point and the valley below. I've found that including a person or two in the foreground adds depth and human interest.


  1. Great shots and some lovely countryside too.

  2. Nice shots, and a good way to take in a pretty landscape, too.

  3. What a great series of photos. The views are awesome too. Happy Friday, enjoy your day and the Labor Day weekend!

  4. I think people always add interest and perspective to a photograph.

  5. What a really good idea to include people in the foreground Linda, it really does give that three dimensional feel to the shot.

  6. I have done a few taking them of each other

  7. Neat captures. I like the scenery in the background too.

  8. What a great set of photos! And I agree, having someone in the foreground really adds interest to shots.

  9. These are just brilliant.
    What a fun theme this is.

    All the best Jan

  10. You are absolutely right. I find that including people in photographs provide both interest and a reference point for scale.


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