This mourning dove was in our yard. It looks fine from this side but from the other side I could see that it was injured. I think it was attacked by a predator.
I called a
wildlife rescue for advice and they said if I could bring it to them in a shoe box they would try to help. I put on gloves and got Frank to go out the other door so I could catch it. However, when I approached, it flew up into a tree.
I have not seen it since then. Last year we had an injured goose in our yard. It had a hurt foot and struggled to keep up with it's family members, although it was probably okay when swimming in the lake.
I am not experienced at approaching geese and was afraid to try to pick it up, plus it wouldn't fit in a shoe box! However, a woman who was braver than I was able to capture it and take it to the wildlife center. I don't know if they were able to help it enough to release it back into the wild.
This squirrel was not injured but he looked pathetic with his wet tail. It was a day when snow had fallen and turned to rain, and squirrel was hungry enough to feed even when the rain was still coming down. I guess you do what you need to do!