November 28, 2014

Sunset with Excavator

construction scene at sunset

This caught my eye while I was stopped at a red light. A new bridge is being built in Front Royal to replace the old one over the South Fork of the Shenandoah. Here construction is underway to add lanes to Route 55 as it approaches the new bridge.

Let's look at a wider view of the scene.

Sharing with: Skywatch Friday


  1. Wonderful silhouettes!

  2. Lovely sky capture! The silhouette of the crane is cool. Have a happy weekend!

  3. Yes, love the silhouette in the first one especially. There's some symbolism here somewhere. The evil claw against a perfect sky?

  4. You don't usually associate a construction equipment with beauty, but silhouetted against that sky, it's very pretty indeed.

  5. Great sky photos, Linda... We are cloudy and dreary here today --as of right now!

    Bet they need that new bridge... I remember going across that one..

    Have a great weekend.

  6. Good catch. It makes for a very lovely shot. The first one, in particular.

  7. a new bridge ... i hope it is going to add to the view not be a mishap. around my area they are talking of another traffic circle - so that means a big headache to the drivers around here. just another time stopper. no fun. ( :

    take care.

  8. Lovely sky against the silhouette! Have a great week ahead!



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