November 29, 2014

How Now Brown Cow?

Or perhaps I should say sepia cow...

although actually she was a nice black and white cow!

Sharing with: Sepia Saturday


  1. Like your cows pictures. I like cows. They are very curious and always watch me when I walk past them. : )

  2. 2 great cow shots. I love cows. Have a great weekend.

  3. Cute! I love cows, but I don't get to see them often.

  4. I love the cows, they have such cute faces! Great sepia shots! Thank you for linking up, have a great day!

  5. I've always liked seeing cows. There was a dairy farm behind our property when I was growing up, and when the cows were in the nearest field, they'd be grazing near the fence line.

  6. I do love a cow, brown, black, sepia, whatever.

  7. I liked the sepia version. :)

  8. A beautiful animal.

  9. Cow sepia-ed! Happy Sepia Saturday!


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