January 7, 2014

Visiting Gulls

It was bitter cold this morning, well below freezing. I was surprised to see a couple of gulls fly in for a visit on our lake.

They kept their distance from our resident geese and rested a few minutes before flying off.


  1. Poor gulls, they look absolutely miserable. Hope this cold grip releases soon!

  2. Dam things are like vermin round here

  3. I feel sorry for the birds during this arctic blast, it is so cold.. Cute shots of the gulls. Stay warm and safe, enjoy the rest of your week!

  4. It's been so cold everywhere, I'm sure the birds suffer a bit. They have to be cold too!!

    But neat photos at that!!! Thanks for linking up at the Bird D'Pot!!

  5. Nice photos. It does look very cold there!

  6. It's good that they could rest a bit and better that you got to get some snaps of them! Great work.

  7. It never ceases to amaze me how birds tuck their bills back like that.


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