January 8, 2014

Geese on a Pond within a Pond

We just had our coldest day of the year so far. Temperatures peaked in the 20's (Fahrenheit), and when we went to bed last night the thermometer read 0 (zero), which is pretty cold for Virginia. Much of the lake is frozen, with an open area of water in the middle and a narrow channel near the shore. (In the first photo, the ice appears dark gray and the water very light.)

The Canada Geese don't seem to mind the cold. They alternate between standing on the ice and swimming in the water.

I took the pictures from a window. Thank you, zoom lens!


  1. Great post - lovely photos

  2. Gorgeous views and so serene too. Hope your new year is off to great start, Happy 2014!

  3. I love all the changes in my local pond as the freezing/melting/freezing game is played all winter long. Can't wait to get out with my camera! Thanks for linking up!

  4. Stunning photos and a nice view.

  5. Can you even imagine having your tailfeathers in that icy water, much less the body that's attached to those tailfeathers???

  6. That is some bitter cold. I have no reason to complain about my 20 degree temps. :/

  7. I can't imagine how cold that must be for them to swim in that. Brrr! It really doesn't seem to bother them though. Great photos!

  8. My winter photos lately have been all about staying warm inside. So, when I read that you had taken these from inside I had to laugh!
    Stay warm!

  9. Yes, that's pretty cold for your area. Our Canada geese are fairly hearty though. They have to be. We recently had temperatures of -36C (-33F) with wind chills of -40.. the same in C and F. Lovely pics.. gotta love geese.

  10. Most of the lakes around here have frozen over or are nearly frozen over. Thankfully warmer temperatures for the next couple of days may create more open water.

  11. yes geese are used to the cold - mind you stay warm yourself

  12. If there's open water, they'll know about it and congregate there. Good shots!


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