March 7, 2025

More Shots with Yesterday’s Sky

Here is a different view of the fallen tree that I showed yesterday. I looked at that rootball to try to spot artifacts, but the only evidence of the old farm that I saw was a piece of wire, which was probably from the fence that once went through there.

A few minutes later I was in Strasburg and I made a quick stop at the grocery store to pick up some items that I did not find at Sprouts Farmers Market earlier. The sky was reflected in the windows.


  1. ...keep looking up at the beauty of the sky!

  2. Linda, both photos are very beautiful.
    The one with the broken fence has a hint of a desolate nature, and in the other one, I really liked the view with the vibrant color of the jacket!
    Have a wonderful weekend, Linda!

  3. the black and white photo is my cuppa of tea

  4. A bit risky with the smartphone in the back pocket. But a nice photo it is.

  5. Great shot of the sky reflected in the store window, and good eyes to spot it.

  6. Lovely and stunning capture of the fallen tree and the importance of it for those wee little creatures that will call it home.

  7. Great reflection and sky photo!

    Have a happy weekend!

  8. Good capture of sky reflection and the wind whisking the woman's white hair as she walked away with that stunning red coat. You composed the scene just right!

  9. Once again some beautiful pics...

  10. I think that looks great in black and white. Something about skies and branches just work that way.


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