March 9, 2025

Lutheran Church between New Market and Forestville

Mount Zion is a common name for churches around here. This one is a Lutheran church on Ridge Road northwest of New Market. It had its roots in 1853, and early services were held in a school house. The present church was completed in 1872, with the bell tower added in 1918.

There is a blessing box on the grounds, which is fairly common at churches in our region. You can leave non-perishable food there for people to pick up if they need it.

The stone wall looks like it could have been a foundation at one time, or perhaps it is just part of the cemetery.


  1. Beautiful church! The blessings box is a great idea.
    Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week ahead.

  2. Mount Zion seems to be a common name for churches everywhere.

  3. It’s beautiful and I love the idea of a blessing box.

  4. Nice church and churchyard, looks quit eold

  5. I've not heard of blessing boxes before. Nice idea. I enjoyed the shadows too. Thanks for linking!


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