March 3, 2025

Longing for Sunny Flowers

There is no Monday Murals linkup this week or next because Sami is traveling, so I'm going to post some flowers today. Nothing is blooming here, but I saw flowers for sale in the supermarket.

Garden Affair / Mosaic Monday

I also looked through some summertime images for sunflowers.

Speaking of sunflowers, I recently used them as a theme for my header on one of the social media platforms, which I shall not name because I’ve been disappointed in it in any number of ways.

I added a clipart dove as a wish for peace.


  1. Wonderful flowers and colours

  2. ...there can never be too many flowers.

  3. Beautiful flowers, they make me happy! I can't wait to see the blooms here, might not be until the end of April. Take care, have a great day!

  4. It's always great to stop and look at flowers...maybe smell the roses has gone by the wayside as they usually don't have scents these days...but still are beautifuL!

  5. Lovely to see these flowers.

    All the best Jan

  6. Yes! I agree!

    I was very happy to accompany you again, dear blog friend. Thank you very much for your wonderful contribution to MosaicMonday.
    Have a great time! It will soon be the weekend and I send you my best regards from Augsburg, Heidrun

  7. Lovely Cheerful flowers, Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.


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