February 28, 2025

Mt. Zion in Strasburg

Yesterday’s post mentioned several old cemeteries in Shenandoah County.  Since I was in Strasburg today, I went by the Mount Zion Methodist Church to take a picture of the old African-American cemetery.

Interestingly, the church building dates back to 1869 but it was not on this site. According to Shenandoah Stories, the original building was dismantled and moved to the present site, where it has been improved over the years.


  1. Interesting history and real nice photos.

  2. Moving that church must have been quite a challenge!

  3. ...a lovely church on the hill.

  4. Lovely church and B&W images. Take care, have a happy weekend.

  5. Very nice b/w photographs, I especially like the Church.

    All the best Jan

  6. I like the picture and thank you for the story


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