January 9, 2025

More Snow is Coming

The weather forecast says we're going to get another winter storm. I could do without it. We had one decent snowfall and that's enough for me. Snow is pretty, but I don't like being cold, and I don’t like having to worry about falling on the ice.

I can’t resist taking pictures in the snow because it makes everything look different. Here are three more photos from Tuesday.

The first two pictures are from a park in Harrisonburg. For some reason, the snow plow made two rows of dumped snow instead of one.

This rest stop along I-81 near New Market has a view of the Massanutten Range. 

By the time I got close to home, the sun was going down. I pulled off in a parking lot to take a sunset picture.


  1. snow looks pretty. But to live surrounded by it would be so cold...

  2. snow looks pretty. But to live surrounded by it would be so cold...

  3. I am like you, one snow was enough for me.
    I would enjoy some warmer days.
    Lovely photos and the last shot of the sky is beautiful.
    Take care, have a great day and a happy weekend!

  4. Yep, some more expected here, too, although, I'm sure, not as much as where you live.

  5. ...a beautiful ending for the day.


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