December 2, 2024

Tiger on the Wall

Harrisonburg, VA

When I happened to see this painting in downtown Harrisonburg, I stopped to take a picture. Looking it up today, I see that this was painted by Amelia Claire Arts. The idea for the tiger logo came from Mike Reisenburg of Mashita Restaurant. 

Not far from there is another mural which I believe I have shared here before, but it’s been a few years so we’ll take another look at it.

Monday Murals


  1. Very beautiful murals, Linda!
    Thank you!

  2. Beautiful murals, I love the tiger :) Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Linda.

  3. Both murals are beautiful.
    Take care, have a happy day!

  4. ...Ssam thing wonderful certainly is!

  5. I need to visit Harrisonburg and go mural hunting.

  6. Love the happy tiger mural but had to enlarge the dinosaur one to see all that was happening. It gets a big wow! from me.

  7. I do like the tiger :)

    All the best Jan

  8. Street art is improving, I think.


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